We’re the Ones!

I hope you’re well today!
John and I went to the National Center on Civil and Human Rights in Atlanta today. It is remarkable to be reminded of the ordinary folks who made extraordinary sacrifices to end systemic racism and oppression, and all those still fighting for human rights today.
I met Claudette Colvin—pictured here—a few years ago when on a trip to the south. Did you know that when she was 15, she refused to give up HER seat on a Montgomery bus—almost a year before Rosa Parks did the same? She was young, unfettered, and brave. Like so many young people—the ones at lunch counters, the ones on buses, the ones marching for voting rights—she was as much a movement builder as Ella Baker and Martin King.
No matter your age, you’re needed in this movement beloved. Pick your passion. Mama Earth needs you; we must teach our children CRITICAL RACE FACTS lest white supremacy rule supreme. Voting rights, ending mass incarceration, getting guns off the street, making the culture queer-friendly, creating God’s economy on earth—these issues and more demand we partner with the Holy to heal the world. Join our movement and do your part with other ordinary revolutionaries!
Come Sunday, Rev. Amanda will preach about theologies of abundance in her sermon “We’ve Got to Make a Mindset Shift.” It’s a crucial lesson—our problem is not an absence of gifts with which God has blessed us, it’s the lack of sufficient political will to ensure they’re justly shared. We must live into the future to which God is calling: One where all have enough and all have a place. And for NYC folks, we hope you’ll join her in Tompkins Square Park at 2:00 p.m. for our first Middle Summer Mixer!
I love you so much,
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